Jinnamgwan Hall in Yeosu City

jinnamgwan-hallJinnamgwan Hall photo of the photo I took at the Jinnamgwan Museum

Jinnamgwan Hall in Yeosu site

I have visited the Jinnamgwan Hall site coming directly from my hotel on my second day in Yeosu City. Jinnamgwan Hall was top on my list during this first-ever visit to this famous place.

My excitement to fully explore the site was dampened when I learned that Korea's most massive wooden structure was under renovation.

At least, I was begging deep inside me and the heavens that I could see even just a glimpse of one of Hall's giant pillars!

yeosu-jinnamgwanOld photo of Jinnamgwan at the museum
jannamgwan hall lefthand side view yeosuJinnamgwan Hall in Yeosu City is where Admiral Yi Sun-Shin hold strategic military meetings with his officers
jinnamgwan hall right side view yeosuJinnamgwan Hall in Yeosu City, Jeollanamdo
jinnamgwan hall left angle view yeosuJinnamgwan Hall in Yeosu City

The taxi driver kindly informed me that we arrived at the Jinnamgwan Hall in Yeosu City. I told him that the place was under renovation. He didn't know this was happening!

Here I got off, still excited to explore whatever is available. I approached the cleaning 'ajumma' (married woman) and asked if the Hall is actually not accessible. Her answer confirmed my disappointment:

"No, it is not accessible yet, and we don't really know when it will be ready for the public to see."

I had no choice but to accept this fact calmly. I am telling myself that maybe it will be much better when I come back next time.

So, I started looking around and taking photos.

jinnamgwan-entrance-gateJinnamgwan Main Gate
jinnamgwan-gateFrontgate of Jinnamgwan
jinnamgwan-pavilionPavilion of Jinnamgwan

Jinnamgwan Museum

The ajumma offered that I could see and learn more about the Hall from the museum. It was already in my mind, and a museum is always an excellent source for my travels. They area exciting and the best place for historical erudition.

While exploring (and somewhat enjoying as well) the old photos of Jinnamgwan, examining the weapons used during the war, and taking pictures, I met the curator.

I asked, once again, the curator, if there's any chance at all for me to sneak and peek inside the Hall. Unfortunately,  it is not allowed yet! Strictly forbidden for public view.

jinnamgwan-hall-museumJinnamgwan Museum and the temporary cover structure of Jinnamgwan Hall during its renovation period that is expected to be completed later next year - 2020.

To comfort me a bit, she tried explaining the items inside and even informed me that there are other national treasures nearby the site.

She pointed out an old bridge near the museum that links to the pavilion where steles are being erected to honor Admiral Yi Sun-Shin's battle wins. I got excited and feeling much better! (See my article here)

Brief Historical background

jinnamgwan-hallAn old photo of Jinnamgwan Hall

Jinnamgwan Hall in Yeosu City, designated as National Treasure No. 304 by the Korean government, was the naval base of Jeolla Province during the Joseon Dynasty Period.

Admiral Yi Sun-sin established this building and used it as his headquarters during his fight against the Japanese invaders.

Jinnamgwan Hall had a watchtower that was used by the soldiers to keep watching the movement of the invaders.

In 1597, during the second Japanese invasion in the area, the original building was burned down.

In 1599, Admiral Yi Si-Eon built a large official residence to accommodate guests with its 75 rooms right on top of the destroyed Hall. The construction began when the Imjin War ended in 1598.

Near the Hall, one can see the famous Yeosu Stone Statue, which is designated as Tangible Cultural Asset of Jeollanamdo No.33.

jinnamgwan-hallSurroundings and area where Jinnamgwan is located
jinnamgwan-museumWeapons (some replicas) used during the battle in Yeosu

Useful Visitor's Information

Jinnamgwan Hall is National Treasure No. 304, as designated on April 17, 2001, by the Korean government.

The whole site where Jinnamgwan Hall in Yeosu sits is accessible to the public all-year-round. But since the Hall is under renovation and strict watch by the culture conservation officials, it is not accessible until further notice.

However, other structures and facilities are available anytime from 9 AM up to 5 or 6 PM daily.

Parking Areas
The parking area is available, and it is for free.

Restrooms for guests are available mainly at the small museum.

Interpretation Service
English, Chinese, and Japanese translators are available if requested in advance or before your visit.

Getting to Jinnamgwan Site

You can get to Yeosu from Seoul or Gwangju City.

From Seoul, take the express bus from Seoul Bus Terminal for Yeosu City. Or, take a train for Yeosu Expo Station from Yongsan Station in Seoul

From Gwanju City, head to U-Square (Gwangju Bus Terminal) and take either a one-stop or direct express bus for Yeosu Intercity Bus Terminal.

Cross the Yeosu Intercity Bus Terminal and you can take any of the buses for Jinnamgwan Bus Stop...

Bus 24, 35, 73, 84, 88 or 102 and get off at Jinnamgwan Hall.

yeosu-cityView of Hallyeohaesang National Park from Jasan Park in Yeosu

More Yeosu Attractions

You can see more exciting and relaxing sites and places in Yeosu. I can guarantee that, based on my short visit (two days only!).

Nearby, by bus, taxi, or on foot, you can see the following places...

  • Yi Sun-sin Square
  • Jasan Park
  • Odongdo Island
  • Yeosu Expo 2012 site and park
  • Aqua Planet
  • Dolsan Bridge
  • Chungminsa Temple
  • Mandseongni Beach, etc.

I promise that I will update this page when Jinnamgwan Hall is back in business. Excited to see it sometime next year (2021).

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Have safe travels, and enjoy it!

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